Our Activities and Events
Men's Social Group
A Male get together to discuss anything. How to fix the world? How to fix our government? Just relax and chat over a coffee or tea or other drink?
Meets on the third Tuesday of every month from 10:15am to 11:30am approx. at the “Brick Lane Espresso” at the north end of the West Pymble Shopping Centre.
Outdoors, when possible, otherwise inside the establishment.
Everyone Welcome!
Bible Discussions - Behind the Word
Day: Every Thursday
Time: 10.30 am - 11.30 am
Stay Active - Stay Fit
Stay Active - Stay Fit offers people an opportunity to participate in gentle exercise and enjoy making new friends at the same time. It focuses on general core fitness & flexibility, and there is an opportunity to participate in an occasional bushwalk.
Stay Active - Stay Fit is on Tuesdays and Fridays
8am -8.45am

St Andrews Fellowship
St Andrews Fellowship offers social, learning and serving opportunities including fundraising for both community and church needs.
St Andrews Fellowship meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month during the day or evening. For more information or to find out about the latest activity please contact us.
Flea Market
Come along and find a bargain.
Toys, clothes, sausage sizzle, books, records, craft stalls,
recycled treasure, garden, tools, manchester, cakes
Something for everyone.
When: Saturday TBA for next year
Time: 8:30am - 2pm
Where: Turramurra Uniting Church
10 Turramurra Ave, Turramurra
An activity of St Andrew's South Turramurra and Turramurra
Uniting Churches.
All money raised goes to a variety of charities and projects.
How do you participate?
1. Buy – from the dozens of stalls in and around the church.
2. Sell from your own stall.
Book a stall 2m x 2m - $30 or $40 under cover.
Apply for space & further details by ringing Henk Landstra 9449 5750, 0448 891 800.
3. Donate – good quality saleable: toys, clothes, books, cds, dvds, china, manchester, household items, tools, artworks, potted plants.
We regret that we cannot accept:
Goods we consider unsuitable
Large Items of Furniture as there is insufficient space
TVs, Computers, Monitors and Printers, Oil Heaters
Other Electrical Items unless fully working and safe
Videos, Audio Cassettes, Encyclopaedias, Textbooks, Magazines
Baby Cots and Child Car Restraints/Car Seats
Bikes, Bike Racks​
Bring your donations on:
Thursday 24th October ONLY 9am-8pm.
To find out more click here